- Snarg -- Wild, just wild! If you're looking for some crazy web effects (which eventually lead you to some great computer art, technomorphs, sound effects, etc.), check out this site. Very creative and surrealistic web design -- just play with it! Intense!
- Dumb Laws -- A huge collection of the most senseless laws in the entire United States. If you want a good laugh, see what useless laws still exist in your own state or country!
- Urban Legend Combat Kit -- If you're wondering if that E-mail you got is a hoax or not, or curious about the internet "stories" you hear, this is a good place to check them out. This site not only exposes those urban legends, but gives you great canned responses you can send to people who forward them to you.
- The Tacky Postcard Archive -- Begun 3 months ago as a former journalist's collection of bizarre, tasteless postcards, this site quickly became one of the most popular 1000 on the Internet according to World1000, Inc. These aren't cute virtual postcards. These are REAL! Trenchant commentary on each card distinguishes this unique site from all others.
- Beachcomber's Alert -- If you spend much time on the beach, you've probably found something interesting washed up on it. This site has tons of interesting information on what to look for (some items carry nice rewards!) and special alerts of things you might find and where. Also lists some of the most unusual things ever found.
- CyberStones -- CyberStones is a satirical news magazine, updated daily, and available only on the web. We write stories based on real happenings, and add tons of thick and hopefully amusing satire to them.
- Roadside America -- Get all kinds of fascinating information about America's back roads and the sites you can see. This site (and its associated books) focuses on the odd sitings, like Muffler Men, mind-reading racoons, world's oldest traffic signal, etc. Check it out before your next vacation!
- Strange Magazine -- This is the online companion to the twice-yearly publication. You'll find stories ranging from space aliens to plain old down-to-earth oddities. They also have a bevy of books available on related topics.
- Empty Trash Talk -- A zany, humorous look at the language of computer and netspeak through stories, cartoons, games and parodys.
- Worlds, Inc. -- Home of AlphaWorld, a customizable virtual world of your own. If you want to explore the virtual worlds experience, you can do it here for free.
- Hot Links to Virtual Worlds -- This should be your VRML starting point. Find out all about VRML -- what's new, who's interested, how to do it and how to view it -- and of course lots of links to VRML sites you can try yourself!
- Poltergeist: The Legacy -- This is the official web site of the new TV series by that name. You can find images, episode information, production notes, Quicktime movies, and airtimes here.
- Blades of Tara -- If you are into Medieval stuff, check this page out. Links to sites related to the Society for Creative Anachronism, historical sites, Medievel clothing and accessories for sale (and how to make them -- wanna buy some armor, or would you prefer to learn how to make it yourself?), and more. How about wearable sundials? Pierceless belly button rings for belly dancing?
- That Gunk on Your Car -- Wanna know what that splat is on your windshield? Check out this site (or get the advertised book)!
- HotWired! -- Wired magazine's online companion -- definitely state of the art!
- The Option Institute -- Want to know how to live a happier life? Check out this page!
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