- Space.com -- Everything space-related can be found here -- news, TV and book reviews, message boards, chat, and lots of articles. Even a section on UFOs.
- Scientific American -- Online home of the magazine, with the same kind of great articles and photographs you get in print. Articles are also accompanied by link to related web sites, and of course back issues are available too.
- StarChild -- ...A Learning Center for Young Astronomers. This NASA site is specifically designed for children. It has games, movies, maps, and lots of fun facts that you can amaze your friends with.
- The NASA Shuttle Web -- Wow, live streaming video from the space shuttle! If you can't catch it live, get recordings of video or audio. Even ask the crew a question! Plus all sorts of shuttle information, photos, and even details of how to spot the shuttle from the ground!
- Bob's Rock Shop -- If you like collecting or just looking at beautiful rocks & minerals, this is a must-see. It's a great e-zine, covering shows, news, collecting tips, minerology, and more -- and of course tons of pictures! You can listen to a nice selection of MIDI tunes also (a different kind of "rock"? ;-)
- National Geographic -- You know the magazine, now check out their excellent web site. All of the great stories and photos, and more. For instance, their Park of the Month, with an interactive maps, facts & figures, travel tips, etc. If you have Shockwave and Quicktime VR, be sure to check out their "Fantastic Forest" (see their "Contents" page).
- Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago -- Even if you can't visit the actual museum, you can view samples from many of their exhibits and collections here. (If you are in the Chicago area, try identifying an artifact for free passes.) Also check out Science in the News, educational materials, and of course their gift shop!
- The Visible Human Project -- Learn how they sliced up a human body into over 1800 sections and photographed each section to make a detailed computer model of anatomy. You can see a few photos (talk about a head shot!), and a couple video tours if you have an MPEG player program.
- Earth & Sky -- This is the Web-version of a daily science radio series. Listen to RealAudio clips or read scripts of show topics about lots of science topics, including astronomy, geology, Earth's natural history, alien life, and more.
- Popular Science -- "The What's New Website" This is the online companion to the magazine, including recent news updates -- long before they get into print. Includes cool news on computers, automotive, science, electronics, and home technology.
- Smithsonian's 150th Birthday -- You can check out all of the Smithsonian's museums and organizations online, plus take a 3D virtual (VRML) tour, and take a "byte" out of their birthday cake. Also check out their upcoming events and travelling exhibitions.
- Astronomy Picture of the Day -- See a neat picture and learn a little astronomy every day. Each day's picture is accompanied by a detailed explanation and to related information and websites. Also search or browse archives of past pictures.
- The National Park Service -- Planning a trip or live near a national park? Here you can check out camping conditions, park rules, local phone numbers, and more. Check the Nature Net for info about plants, animals, geology, water, and air. Also learn a little history, look for park jobs, find out about future planning, and more.
- Mayo Health O@sis -- This site is a combination of an online medical encyclopedia and online health magazine. Plus, it has features like a healthy cookbook, a tip of the day, and more.
- Wacky Patent of the Month -- This one won't take much time or bandwidth, so it's worth a trip once a month. Read about some strange patents and theior inventors. (You can also look up previous months' "awards".) Also patenting info and inventors links.
- The Ten Best of the Nine Planets -- Take a pictorial tour the solar system -- great pictures. 60 pages available, or take a short tour. Photos and facts for planets and some moons. Also links to related astronomy sites, organized by planet.
- Discovery Channel Online -- From the cable TV channel... very attractive site, lots of information.
- The Artemis Project -- Get in on the colonization of the moon! You can get involved in this commercial project, or just see what's going on.
- Fisher Science Online -- A guide to science sites on the internet (biology, physics, chemistry, etc.), and information on Fisher scientific gifts gadgets & other products.
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